
Bid Opportunities
Contract Procurement Unit

The New York State Police (NYSP) Contract Unit (CU) manages formal competitive bids and posts bid opportunities with the New York State Contract Reporter. A list of NYSP current formal competitive bids is provided below.

CU encourages organizations interested in doing business with NYSP to sign up for email notifications from the New York State Contract Reporter provided by Empire State Development. Once you register with the New York State Contract Reporter, bid opportunities can be emailed directly to your organization.

Sign up with the NYS Contract Reporter

BID Calendar

The New York State Police is currently seeking bids and proposals for the following services or products. 

Description Issue Date Bid Number




General Information
Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE)

NYS looks to maximize participation opportunities for MWBEs as bidders, subcontractors and suppliers on procurement contracts with NYS certified firms. Certified MWBE firms seeking NYSP consideration should email: [email protected]

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB)

The Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business (SDVOB) Act, signed into law by Governor Cuomo in 2014, encourages and supports eligible SDVOBs by increasing participation in the state's contracting opportunities. The law established a goal of 6% of procurement expenditures to be made with SDVOBs by state agencies, public authorities, and public benefit corporations. Certified SDVOB seeking NYSP consideration should email: [email protected].